The Bass the River and Sheila Mant- 1 chunk paragraph

Posted on October 7th, 2011 in Final Project by Brittney

In “The Bass the River, and Sheila Mant” should the narrator have cut the line? Why or why not?

TS: The narrator, in The Bass the River, and Sheila Mant, did the right thing by cutting the line.

CD: The narrator says, “There would be other Sheila Mants in my life, other fish,”(205)

CM: This is an important lesson because he will be able to move on from girls like her.

CM: Also, he can help others by teaching them the same lesson.

CS: The narrator knew he did the right thing in the end.

One Response to 'The Bass the River and Sheila Mant- 1 chunk paragraph'

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  1.    Mrs. HC said,

    on October 16th, 2011 at 2:15 PM

    Great! The only feedback I have is that you may want to elaborate on your TS based on the broader understanding you show in the CS. It’s nice to start and end in the same place, without repeating though!

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